As today is February 29, we find ourselves curious about how Leap Year has been observed in Saratoga County in the past. Here are a few snippets collected from the always useful historical newspapers site that give us a glimpse into Leap Years past.
January 29, 1880, found Corinth residents planning ahead for a sleighing party one month later.
Sales have been a popular Leap Year tradition for a long time, as this 1928 article describes a very successful “Dollar Day” in Mechanicville.
This 1932 Ballston Journal article offers a bit of historical context mixed with humor.
Dances were another popular Leap Year tradition. This dance was held in Corinth in 1940.
Those with birthdays that fall on February 29 get to claim a youthful age for a very long time, as this 1964 Saratogian photo illustrates.