Saratoga County Historical Society at Brookside Museum - Local Museums Join Together for Giving Tuesday May 5th!

Local Museums Join Together for Giving Tuesday May 5th!

Local Museums Join Together for Giving Tuesday May 5th!

Tuesday, May 5th is Giving Tuesday! Show your support for Brookside Museum and other Museums throughout Saratoga County and beyond as we join forces to raise funds to remove financial barriers to access these institutions of inspiration and exploration.

The Museum community has been hard hit by this pandemic, but we are coming together in recognition that our audience has also been effected by the financial down turn. Our local museums are dedicated to reopening and making our resources available to those who would benefit from free or reduced admission.

If you are financially able to give, please do so. If you cannot give, please share this with others who may be able to contribute. If you are interested in attending one of our local museums, please check out our websites and start planning for future trips. We are all in this together and by standing together we will prevail.

To donate to The Saratoga County Historical Society/ Brookside Museum please click here

To donate to The Children’s Museum at Saratoga please visit

To donate to the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame

To donate to the Saratoga Automobile Museum please

To donate to the Saratoga Springs History Museum please

To donate to the World Awareness Children’s Museum please