SCHC Trustee Russ VanDervoort to Present at State Conference
On Tuesday, September 14, Saratoga County History Center Trustee Russ VanDervoort will present his talk “A Woman Voter in 1842 in Waterford?” at the Association of Public Historians of New York State annual conference in Oswego. The talk, which will occur at 10:45am at Lake Ontario Events & Conference Center, concerns Waterford’s Maria Rynders, who, by casting a vote six years prior to first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, became one of the first women in New York State to cast a vote in an election in 1848. Through the talk, the listeners will discover that Rynders was more than that, however, and learn about her intriguing connections to Tammany Hall and the infamous Captain Isaiah Rynders, her work as a cook on a canal boat and operating a house of assignation, and a personal history that led her to be married nine times.
We at SCHC congratulation Russ on his achievements and wish him good luck at the APHNYS Conference! You can register for the event at the APHNYS website.
The Saratoga County History Center is dedicated to preserving and sharing the diverse histories of Saratoga County. In addition to the venerable Brookside Museum, the History Center offers a wide variety of innovative, exciting, and educational programming online, including the popular “Experts Next Door” virtual speaker series. Please visit the website (www.brooksidemuseum.org) and social media accounts (@SaratogaCoHistory) for news and announcements.