The Global War for American Independence – Experts Next Door
Saratoga County History Center is hosting a virtual event on January 31st

The Saratoga County History Center (SCHC) announces a virtual presentation by Dr. Eliga Gould on the Global War for American Revolution. Dr. Gould will participate in the History Center’s popular virtual speaker series “Experts Next Door.” At 7 pm on January 31st, Dr. Gould will explain the global war for American independence and the role played by the battles of Saratoga in 1777. This is a virtual program presented on Zoom.
Dr. Eliga Gould is a Professor and Chair of the Department of History at the University of New Hampshire. Gould’s scholarship focuses on the American Revolution, emphasizing the revolution’s “outer” history in the Americas, Africa, Europe, and the wider world. His current book project, Crucible of Peace: The Turbulent History of America’s Founding Treaty, examines the least studied United States’ founding documents: the Treaty of 1783 that ended the American Revolutionary War. He is the author of Among the Powers of the Earth: The American Revolution and the Making of a New World Empire and co-editor of Empire and Nation: The American Revolution and the Atlantic World.
Sean Kelleher, Vice President of the Saratoga County History Center, says, “We are very fortunate to have Dr. Gould present our virtual “Experts Next Door” program. The American victory at Saratoga in 1777 could not have been achieved without foreign aid. After Saratoga, most people don’t realize that the fighting of the American Revolution includes Asia, Africa, and Europe.” The History Center is proud to support the Saratoga County 250th American Revolution Commission, created by the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors to recognize the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution in Saratoga County.
The event, set to take place on Zoom, is open to the public. It’s free, but donations are highly valued. To register, please visit
The “Experts Next Door” virtual speaker series was launched in the summer of 2020 and has featured specialists from various fields, from archaeology to gardening to mixology to history to teach. Please visit the History Center website at for more information.
The Saratoga County History Center is dedicated to the preservation and sharing of the diverse histories of Saratoga County. In addition to the Brookside Museum, the History Center provides various innovative, exciting, and educational programs online and in-person across the county. Please check the website ( and social media accounts (@SaratogaCoHistory) for updates and announcements.
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