Saratoga County Historical Society at Brookside Museum - History Center Presents “Ballston’s Sacrifice in the War with Mexico” October 5

History Center Presents “Ballston’s Sacrifice in the War with Mexico” October 5

The Saratoga County History Center is pleased to announce a special program entitled “Ballston’s Sacrifice in the War with Mexico” on Thursday, October 5 at 7pm at Brookside Museum in Ballston Spa. Local Historians John Cromie and Dave Waite will team up to present the story of the Mexican War on both the national and local level in a multimedia presentation.

John Cromie, a Ballston Spa native and current Trustee of the Saratoga History Center has a lifelong passion for history at the National, State, and local level. Cromie was a member of the Kayaderosseras Yorkers Club while in grade school. “My Interest in the Mexican War goes back to the eighth grade when I wrote a term paper on Winfield Scott who was our commanding general during the war” said Cromie.

“I was intrigued by the national determination to achieve our Manifest Destiny – expanding the country from sea to sea.” In the presentation, Cromie will provide the background of the lead up to war, describe the major battles that lead to our victory and the acquisition of former Mexican territory from Texas to California.

Dave Waite, photographer, videographer, and prolific author of local history stories will focus on the four Ballston Spa soldiers who died during the war. Their sacrifice is enshrined in a monument in the Ballston Spa Village cemetery first erected in 1848. This year represents the 175th anniversary of the dedication of the monument.

Recently the monument was opened to retrieve a time capsule placed at the time of the dedication. “Dave documented the recovery and will show the film and tell the story of the four men honored on the monument,” said Bill Curtiss President of the Ballston Spa Cemetery Association. To conclude the program, Curtiss will discuss the plans to rededicate the monument with a parade and ceremony at the cemetery on Sunday, October 22 at 2pm.

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