Saratoga County Historical Society at Brookside Museum - “The CCC Camps in Saratoga County and the Adirondacks”

“The CCC Camps in Saratoga County and the Adirondacks”

The Saratoga County History Center (SCHC) at Brookside Museum announces a virtual presentation by author and historian Mary Podskoch on “The CCC Camps in Saratoga County and the Adirondacks”. This will be the 25th presentation in the Center’s popular speaker series “Experts Next Door” and will take place at 7pm on Wednesday, November 6th through Zoom.

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) began on March 31, 1933 under President Roosevelt’s New Deal to relieve the poverty and unemployment of the Depression. Workers built trails, roads, campsites, dams, stocked fish, built and maintained fire tower observer cabins and telephone lines, fought fires, and planted millions of trees. The CCC disbanded in 1942 due to the need for men in WW II.

There were over 200 CCC camps in New York State, including one locally in Stillwater, from where men worked developing Saratoga Battlefield as an historic site.

The event is open to the public. It is free for SCHC members, and $5 for non-members. Pre-registration is required HERE.

Marty Podskoch is a retired teacher and the author of 11 books. He also writes a weekly column called “Adirondack Stories,” in five Adirondack newspapers. He is presently gathering information on the CCC camps in VT  for future books. Podskoch is keenly interested in meeting individuals who may have CCC stories and photos to contribute to his next book. Those that have information should contact him at 860-267-2442 or