Carol Godette, accomplished author and storyteller of people and places in Saratoga Springs, will take us on a journey around many of the small family-led businesses that existed throughout the city's neighborhoods during the mid-late 1900's. Based on her new book On This Spot: Saratoga Springs, Carol will describe how she was able to create images of a life now... Read more »
Bordered by the Champlain Canal and Hudson River, Hudson Crossing Park is surrounded by both history and natural abundance. Join Hudson Crossing Park Executive Director Kate Morse and resident local historian Mike Biekiewicz for this easy, one mile walk. Kate and Mike will share the history of the First Nations who called the area home, show you the site of... Read more »
Explore the stories behind the stones at Corinth Rural Cemetery. From soldiers and sailors to merchants and miscreants, discover the people who have lived in Corinth for over two centuries. The moving and consolidation of earlier cemeteries from other areas of the town will also be discussed. Participants are encouraged to take Route 9N north from Saratoga Springs to avoid... Read more »
Kat Fitzpatrick, daughter of a CIA operative, will speak of her Vietnam experience, sharing why her family was invited into a critical war zone in 1974, insight into the super-secret propaganda radio station her father coordinated, and share personally documented glimpses into the slow, but steady decline of America’s footing in that beleaguered country. Her book, For the Love of... Read more »
The Saratoga County History Center and the Saratoga Springs Black Elks have joined together to cosponsor a timely presentation by Frederick Douglass interpreter Nathan M. Richardson. Mr Richardson will lead a conversation about the meaning of American democracy from the perspective of the renowned former slave turned writer, orator and abolitionist. Hear how his relationship with other abolitionists and several Presidents influenced... Read more »
Discover how to make your own Herbal Beauty Products and the Spa experience! The Milton Grange will be offering the next class in it's herbal series. Presenter Janis Fallon will show you how easy it is to make your own cosmetics have fun and save money at the same time. In addition you will know what you are applying to... Read more »