Upcoming Events





Upcoming Events

Passing the Time in Victorian Saratoga County at the Galway Preservation Society| March 3:6:45pm
March’s presentation at the Galway Preservation Society will be given by Charlene DuBuque, Education Director at the Saratoga County History Center. “Passing the Time in Victorian Saratoga County,” highlighting the social activities, entertainment, and fashion trends of the era.  Discover the vibrant fraternal groups, soirees, fairs, and church socials that shaped the leisure time of Victorian-era locals and influenced how we spend our free time today. The meeting will be held at the Galway Town Hall, 5910 Sacandaga Road, Galway.  Our programs are always open to the public, free of charge.  If you choose, annual family or household Galway Preservation Society memberships are available for $10 per year.  Please join us for some fun and to learn more about our history.
Frida Kahlo and the Bravest Nina in el Mudo – Saratoga Opera Event for Children| March 8: 2pm

This 45-minute interactive children’s opera explores the art of Frida Kahlo as well as themes of courage and family. It is appropriate for children ages 5-11. All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Register Here.


Historian Tea Talks: Love Your Neighbor| March 19: 3pm

On Wednesday, March 19th, at 3pm, for the first of the 2025 season of Historian Tea Talks, Saratoga County History Center will host Ruby Marcotte, a 4th generation traditional artist of Abenaki Native American and Quebecois French heritage, and previously Town Historian for the Town of Day, who will present a program, “Love Your Neighbor”, about her life growing up in an informal, out of the way community, “on the mountain”, west of Corinth, a community with a rich, long history of connectedness. Tea and cookies will be served. Register Here


Historical Sewing Sessions for Reenactors & those Looking to Volunteer at Saratoga 250 Events: Bedgowns & Wrapping Goens/Banyans| March 22: 1pm
Join us for an afternoon of stitching, tea, and camaraderie as we share information, resources, and ideas for clothing that can be worn during upcoming events related to the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. All are welcome to attend these free gatherings, but pre-registration is required. Email aclothier@SaratogaCountyNY.gov to sign up.


All these programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated.
For more information visit https://brooksidemuseum.org/